What is TDS in drinking water?

What is TDS?
TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids. Minerals present in the soil dissolve in water. They sieve in the ground water. Minerals in surface water remain in the soil on which the water flows (river / stream) or where the water remains stagnant (lake / pond / reservoir). A mineral dissolved in water is usually called a total dissolved solid, TDS. The amount of TDS in water can be measured in milligrams / liter (mg / l) or per million pieces (ppm). These units are the same. Minerals are basically different components of calcium (CA), magnesium (Mg) and sodium (NA). Salinity in water Various components of Ca and Mg such as calcium or magnesium chloride, calcium and magnesium sulfate (CaSo 4, MgCl, etc.). Some dissolved solids are dangerous despite the small amounts. For example, arsenic, fluoride and nitrate. There are certain set standards for the approved levels of these substances in water. However, there are also some disagreements about the safe amount of fluoride.

If harmful chemicals such as fluoride and arsenic are released, drinking water must contain some amount of mineral (TDS), but the amount should not be excessive.

2. What are the TDS standards?
BIS 10500-1991 in IndiaStandards apply. This standard is based on the WHO standard. However, considerable modifications have been made from time to time. The reason for this is that the drinking water supplied to us has become so contaminated that the amount of substances like TDS, hardness, chloride in it is much higher than the standard. In such a situation, the allowable limit of their presence was increased. Usually, if the amount of TDS in drinking water exceeds 500 mg / liter, it becomes distasteful. But due to no other better source of water, people become addicted to it. The BIS standard determines the acceptable quality of drinking water for humans. For practically all industrial and some professional uses, the purity level of water should be very high. In most cases there should be no solid dissolution

The BIS standard states that the maximum amount of TDS desired is 500 mg / liter and the most permissible level is 2000 mg / liter in the absence of any better source of water. Similarly, the hardness i.e. maximum desired level of calcium carbonate (CaCo 3 ) is 300 mg / liter and maximum permissible level is 600 mg / liter.

WHO standard:
TDS density levels below 1000 mg / liter are generally appropriate for drinking. However, this acceptance may vary according to the circumstances. Water is not potable due to the high level of TDS taste. Also, it increases the risk of damage to pipes, heaters, boilers and home appliances. (See also hardness section)

Water with very low TDS concentration is also not drinkable due to its tasteless taste. Also, it is often harmful to the water supply system.


US EPA Standard:
The Environmental Protection Agency of America (EPA) broadly accepts two drinking water standards. These are called maximum pollution level target (MCLG) and secondary maximum pollution level (SMCL). MCLG is a level of density that does not affect human health. It takes adequate care of safety. On the other hand, the level of SMCL is a voluntary guideline that poses no threat to human health. While EPA has not fixed any limit under MCLG, the upper limit for SMCL is 500 mg / liter. This limit has been set so that the smell, taste and color of the water does not have such an effect that it is harmful to human health or rust, moss, in the water pipeline or other equipment Any problem like corrosion occurs. Although no TDS limit has been fixed under the MCLG, but water with high TDS may contain many harmful substances that have a bad effect on health.

Extremely low TDS:
Water with very low TDS levels also causes many problems due to fade or tasteless and lack of useful minerals. Water below 80 mg / liter is generally not considered suitable for use.

3. Measurement:
TDS levels of water can be measured very easily with the help of a cheap instrument TDS meter. It barely costs 2000 rupees and later it only costs to replace the battery. It can be used to measure TDS levels of wells, pipes or packaged water and rainwater. Keep in mind that TDS of rain water is very low. A sudden change in TDS of water indicates that the water is being polluted by high TDS water.

UV, UF and other conventional methods of purifying water impurities will not affect TDS. For this only reverse osmosis works.

Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis is the only system to clean commonly used water in RO homes that removes dissolved impurities. If the amount of TDS increases by a certain level, then RO is needed. RO should be used even if you believe that your water has been contaminated by sewage, pesticides, heavy metals or industrial emissions.

One problem with RO is that it requires a lot of water. It divides dirty water into two parts and throws the dissolved solids from one part to another. In such a situation, two streams of water emerge from the RO. A 'clean' water that has low TDS and other impurities. Secondly dirty water which is even more dirty than before. Usually one liter of clean and two liters of dirty water comes out in 3 liters of water poured into RO. However, dirty water from RO can be used to mop the floor. But very few people do this.

Lack of TDS changes the taste and PS of water. It is also not good to reduce TDS too much. Some companies make a composite machine that has RO as well as UF or UV properties. RO is used to remove dissolved solids from large amounts of water. Apart from this, UF or UV is used to kill microorganisms. Low levels of dissolved solids can be maintained by mixing these two systems. The ratio of these two can be controlled.

RO costs between Rs 10,000 and Rs 15,000. RO works with pressure that is produced by an internal pump. In such a situation, electricity is required for RO.

Traditional domestic ROs are not as effective if TDS levels in water are more than 1000. In such a situation, rainwater harvesting is a sustainable option. Especially where the amount of TDS or hardness in water is very high. TDS in rain water is only 10–50 mg / liter. Making water soft does not reduce its TDS. In the process of softening water, calcium or magnesium replaces sodium in dissolved solids, causing a slight decrease in the amount of TDS.

Rahim says, value water, for there is nothing without it. The importance of this couplet of Rahim Das ji increases even more when the water is pure and filled with minerals. We all know that there is 60 to 70% water in our body i.e. water is in every part of our body, even in bones. Cannot survive more than 7 days without water.

With the help of water, toxic substances are released from the body; In the form of sweat or urine. This is why water helps to keep us healthy. 

But with drinking water, it is important to keep in mind that what kind of water you are drinking, is the water clean and pure. RO or UV water is considered pure and drinkable, but does it also cause harm? Let us know through this article what kind of water to drink, what should be the amount of TDS in it, what is the benefit from it and how much loss does it give?

What is TDS in drinking water and what is its importance.
Water is a good solvent and dirt easily dissolves in it. Pure water - is tasteless, colorless, and odorless which is called universal solvent. Dissolved solids or dissolved solids refer to ions immersed in any mineral, salt, metal, grain, or water. Total dissolved solids (TDS) contain inorganic salts (mainly calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chloride, and sulfates) and a small amount of organic matter dissolved in water and especially in ground water. , Nitrates are also found in water.


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